Basic Ways To Care For Your Plants: Beginner Edition
Undeniably, there are plants that are hard not to accidentally neglect. As a result of this, many newbies in the plant industry tend to be confused. Proper research and care must be taught before manic buying a plant for beginners, not just for its look and for the sake of aesthetic for home decoration.
And lately, it seems like everybody has a living room full of lush, thriving houseplants. It’s understandable to want in on the look: houseplants offer tons of health benefits (both physical and mental), and they can fill odd corners or tabletops in a way that just makes your home feel lived in.
In a few simple steps, anyone can become a plant person. Here’s a course of action to get you rolling.
Research the correct corresponding pot
Drainage is extremely important for your plant. Ideally, a pot should have a hole in the bottom so that excess water can drain out of the soil and collect in a tray underneath the pot. If there is no such hole, all the extra water is trapped in the soil.
For often plants for beginners, this is more water than the plant can successfully absorb, and this will result in a plant “drowning.” If you notice your plant looks wilted and droopy, but the soil is still damp, the odds are good that you have a drainage problem, and the plant is too wet.
In the same way, plants need plenty of space to grow. If the roots run out of room to stretch out, the plant will become top-heavy, and the roots won’t be able to support the amount of foliage on your plant. This will cause it to wither and die.
Always consider what you plant
Do you want to plant a vegetable garden? A herb garden? A flower garden? If you choose vegetables and herbs for their contributions to your dinner table, plant ones your family will eat or be willing to try.
If you want flowers for their flair, color, and fragrance, decide whether you want annuals that bloom most of the summer but need to be replanted each spring or perennials that have a shorter bloom time but return year after year.
Go with low maintenance options
Most plant for beginners will perk up and adjust to whatever light is available in the first few weeks, but read the plant tag or description to give it a good spot.
For example, a plant that needs high light does best in an east- or south-facing window (or west window, in a pinch). Don’t put it right up against the window, as it won’t like drafts in winter or sunburn in summer.
Also, make sure the pot has holes in the bottom because no plant likes wet feet! If it’s in an ugly pot, just drop it into a decorative one; you can go years without needing to report a new houseplant.
Learn about your plant
This is a fundamental rule of plant care whether you’re dealing with indoor houseplants, hanging outdoor baskets, garden plants, or something else altogether.
Take the time to learn about the type of plant you’re caring for. Learn how much sun it likes, or how much shade. Learn if it needs to be watered every day, or if it can go as long as two weeks without water.
Every plant has its own unique set of requirements. While there are plenty of across-the-board rules that apply to most plants, you will have the best results and the greatest rate of success when you take the time to learn about each species of plant individually.
Key takeaway
With plants for beginners, one of the biggest considerations is the weather. It can be tempting to experience a sunny March day where temperatures soar to the high 50’s and assume it’s safe to put your plants outside. Next thing you know, the temperature plummets again, and your plants are irreparably damaged.
While the rules for all plants are fairly similar, they will differ slightly depending on the environment your plant is going to be living in.