Can you tell me what Shoulder in is?

Shouldering is an extremely useful exercise in schooling that improves the Horse’s balance and engagement. It also makes it easy to introduce the Horse to more difficult work such as traveling and half pas.
What is shouldering? It’s a shouldering exercise performed on three tracks. As soon as a horse yields its leg, we usually follow a single path in his education.
It can now be Riddenin trot, walk and Canter. This is a great suppling exercise that the Horse will learn to bend and lengthen his stride.
The Horse should bend slightly around the rider’s leg, but not too much, to create an angle of approximately 30 degrees.
There should be no difference between the inside hind leg, outside foreleg, and outside foreleg. Then the outside foreleg should work on its track. The Horse should be able to bend in the opposite direction of his movement.
Let’s discuss the benefits of riding shoulder-in.
Its purpose is to allow the hind legs to move under the forehand and to raise the forehand.
In addition to mobilizing shoulders, the exercise also assists the rider in engaging the hind legs and placing the forehand. Collecting and compressing is built this way.
The Shoulder is an effective tool for straightening in trot or canter, and it can also be unlined near the arena boundary or in the middle of an arena, and you can do this by placing it on the middle line.
Let’s look at riding the Shoulder in.
Controlling the position of the shoulders is not difficult, provided that the Horse has learned the proper steps to yield its legs.
You should aim to start from a straight line along the shore next to the arena fence, either in a corner with a clear message or in a small circle.
When riding Shoulder to the left, the horses will follow you. The rod has a left leg around it, and the right leg outside is just below the perimeter.
The Horse’s left leg moves sideways, which causes an expansion of the Horse’s right side, which is the outside. As a result, the horse starts moving in the right direction under the support of the rider’s right leg and right rain.
A horse needs to react quickly to the inside leg and seat and step up into the inside rein during the ride.
The rider is outside, and the leg is responsible for keeping the right hind leg engaged and moving forwards and under the Horse’s body. This encourages the horse to bring the hind leg under the body and develop engaging hind legs. Croup means the Horse will be lower, and his shoulders will open up to allow his forehands to lift.
To prevent the Horse from becoming out of balance and thereby moving out on the shoulders, the initial distances should be kept short to not let the Horse become out of balance and move onto the shoulders. Horses should take more weight on their backs from the very beginning by stepping under with their hind legs.
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Let’s look at common problems and mistakes regularly happening on the Shoulder.
So firstly, too much neck bend.
This happens when the rider bends the neck and blocks any bent through the body.
It may be necessary for the Horse to return to walking to move its inside foreleg in and out of the track with a straight neck and small angles.
The rider should not use too much rein inside.
Now another problem is that the angle varies.
In this instance, the Horse is too heavy on his forehand and not enough supported by the outside rein.
The rider might be able to use faster inside leg aids so that the Horse can take shorter, more active steps to achieve better balance.
Another fault is that the Horse is tight in the back and has uneven steps.
It is important to allow the horse to move through the whole body, including the inside seat and hip, in order to allow the inside Heimlich to come forward and under.
Another issue that you might see is that the tempo is too fast.
This happens when the Horse loses his rhythm or cannot maintain his balance.
Another common fault is that the rider sits crooked.
If the Horse’s seat is displaced to the side, with the collapse of the core hip, the Horse has low distribution and balance. This can lead to a decrease in the quality of movement.
This episode is about shoulder-to-shoulder. It can be used as a schooling exercise to increase your horses’ engagement, suppleness and performance as soon as you have mastered leg yield.
It’s also an excellent exercise to straighten horses inclined to be crooked. Simply position your Horse’s shoulders slightly towards the track, and he will instantly become straighter.
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