Health and Fitness

Heart Disease and Smoking: The Risks and Herbal Treatments

Heart Disease and Smoking

Smoking has become more and more socially unacceptable over the years and promote heart diseases, due to increasing research that shows how dangerous it can be to your health and well-being. While many people are aware of the risks involved with smoking, such as lung cancer and emphysema, there are other serious health problems that may not be so obvious. These include heart disease, which can be caused by smoking or even second-hand smoke; high blood pressure; and atherosclerosis, a narrowing of the arteries that often leads to heart attacks or strokes.


An estimated 87 million people worldwide are believed to suffer from some form of heart disease. These numbers are increasing every year, which is why it’s important to know what causes heart disease in order to control your risk factors. For smokers, it is especially important to monitor for any signs of heart trouble because smoking can lead to immediate problems or cause long-term damage. For example, excessive blood clotting could mean a stroke or sudden cardiac arrest in someone who smokes. Or, tar build-up from long-term exposure can impact an otherwise healthy heart’s ability to pump efficiently. Thankfully, there are several herbal treatments that may help with your recovery from heart disease caused by smoking. Here are a few you should consider:

Drink one cup of ginger tea before bed. Ginger has been shown to lower cholesterol levels and ease inflammation throughout your body, including your heart. It also reduces platelet aggregation (the clumping together of red blood cells) in both healthy individuals and those suffering from coronary artery disease (CAD). This means less strain on your arteries especially helpful if you’re at risk for developing CAD due to smoking. You’ll need about 1/2-inch fresh ginger root per cup of water; slice into thin pieces before boiling until fragrant. Strain out solids after boiling then add honey or lemon juice to taste.


Heart disease is one of many problems that can be caused by smoking. Symptoms are similar to angina, but with heart attacks or heart failure. Symptoms of both include pain in your chest or upper abdomen, shortness of breath, cold sweats, nausea, vomiting, fainting or light-headedness. You should always go to a hospital emergency room immediately after any kind of unusual symptoms like these. Treatment for heart disease caused by smoking is often a combination herbal treatments and conventional medicine if needed; once again you want to speak with your doctor about what kind of treatment will work best for you.

Risk Factors

A risk factor is anything that increases your chances of developing a disease or condition. It may be an activity, such as smoking, or a lifestyle choice, like not exercising. It may also be something that affects your family history or genetics. For example, if you have heart disease in your family, you’re at increased risk for developing it yourself even if you don’t smoke. You might not think of stress as a risk factor for heart disease, but some research has shown that people who deal with stressful situations on a regular basis are more likely to develop atherosclerosis hardening of artery walls than those who experience few stressful events.

Many other factors can increase your risk of developing heart disease; see our full list below. There are many ways to reduce your risk of heart disease. Here are just a few suggestions: eat right, exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight, and quit smoking. Some herbal treatments can also help lower cholesterol levels or blood pressure and they may even protect against future strokes or heart attacks. However, before taking any medication prescribed by your doctor, make sure you know what potential side effects could occur from taking it! There’s no way around it: No matter how hard we try to protect ourselves from them (or how much money we spend), life will throw us curveballs every now and then.

Cessation Benefits

By quitting smoking, you can reduce your risk of developing heart disease. With so many smoking cessation products out there, it’s important to know what to use as well as how best to use them. Many Herbal Care Products alternatives may be safer than nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), but they have some potential side effects that should be monitored carefully by a healthcare professional. For example, one of these herbs is guggul extract, which can cause nausea in some users. Talk with your doctor about which products are best for you but remember that regardless of which product you use. Quitting smoking is always beneficial for your health in general.

Herbal treatment

Be it an intake of smoke, or something else, cigarette smoking has a very addictive quality. So, it may be hard to quit smoking on your own. Buy Best Herbal Supplements Products for quitting smoking may help you stop these bad habits for good. If you would like to quit then herbal remedies could be just what you need. There are several herbs that aid in your transition from tobacco to herbal treatments. Herbal practitioners recommend using herbs such as nettle, passionflower, skullcap, linden flower and marshmallow root. These ingredients help calm the body down while preparing your system for its new way of living with less dependency on nicotine intake. Do not discount their powers.

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