Manage Your Apple ID
Manage Your Apple ID So, if you have the same issue as your Apple ID stops working, or Apple ID Not Working! You can’t connect to the Apple store and can’t access it’s any other functionalities. Then don’t worry! Here you will get the complete steps to fix the issue.
Why Apple Id Not Working?
Here are causes mentioned behind the issue:
Inactive Internet Connection
Apple Server Issue
Wrong Password
Update the Apps
Incorrect Time Setting
How to Fix Apple ID Not Working Issue?
When Apple ID Not Working, try the below-given solutions that help to fix this issue quickly.
1.Internet Connection
Often, poor or low-speed internet connection or faulty VPN route to iTunes Store, maybe your Apple ID stop working. Then check you don’t have any VPN enabled at the time of connecting with iTunes Store. Also, verify your internet connection and its speed it’s working correctly or not.
Apple Server
Check that Apple Server is working correctly. Maybe there arise a server issue with Apple. Via Apple’s service status page verify the iTunes Store services in your area. In case, if there is any such issue, then you can also hard reset your device. To do this, you have to press & hold the “home” and “power” tab together for more than 15 seconds.
Also, you can solve it in “Settings”, then go to “App Store & iTunes” and then sign in to your iTunes account.
Wrong Passwords
One more cause can be a mismatched password, perhaps the password you’re entering is wrong. Then verify you’ve entered a correct password or not.
Verify your Apps and Update
Open your App Store. Then go to top right, then go to “Account Information” where you will find all your apps details.
Next, you will see how many apps essential to be updated. Then if you see it’s an out of date app, then update them. Then click on “Update All”.
Tap on the icon at the top right. This will take you to your Account information where you will find details of your apps.
Incorrect Time Setting
Sometimes the problem occurs due to incorrect time settings, which may lead to Apple ID Not Working. Then to fix it do the correct set up of the date and time settings. So then open “Settings” in your device, then go to “General”Health Fitness Articles, and then “Date & Time” and confirm all the credentials have correct configurations.
At a mere 5GB hard-drive based, Apple unveils the first iPod that sold for $399.00
The market strategy changed from marketing personal computers to how cool it is to have your “Whole CD Library with you all the time” Steve Jobs (Apple’s CEO) tells reporters in a press conference in 2001. As the iPod hits the stores in November 2001, Apple sells 125,000 iPods during the holiday season. And although Apple was first seen as a potential threat to digital multimedia products such as music, for it’s “Rip, Mix, Burn” slogan, Steve Jobs assured the music giants that the iPod will not violate any laws because it was developed to “legally acquire music” and he added, “you have the right to manage it in all other devices you own”
During the Mac Expoworld Expo, Jobs notes that Apple has sold more than 600,000 iPods in the 14 months since it’s launch. By April 2003, Apple added a solid-state scroll wheel with four buttons to the device. By January 2004 Apple increased the number of iPods available to the public by unveiling a whole new line of “mini” iPods. The new iPods where the size of business cards with a storage capacity of 4GB which sold for $299 and included multiple colors such as gold, blue, pink, and green.
By late 2005, iPods were the most popular product of the Apple’s line. And all of this was happening when the hard drive was still in place (this means the device had a slower response) In August 2006, Creative and Apple square off in court. Creative and Apple trade lawsuits in court alleging that both have violated patents, Apple and Creative settle their disputes when Apple agrees to pay a $100 million settlement. Creative agrees to begin making Apple iPods accessories.
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Ironically, it was Microsoft’s turns to sit in the corner and watch how Apple’s popularity grew faster than anyone predicted. In November 14, 2006, Microsoft released it’s own MP3 player; The Zune. The awaited MP3 war between Microsoft and Apple had begun. Microsoft’s new MP3 player named Zune was sporting an attractive 30gigabyte storage capability, FM radio and a 3 inch screen and it’s controls consisted of a circular shape under the 3 inch screen with four buttons (very similar to the iPod). The price tag was $249.95 at release date and hundreds of thousands of Microsoft loving fans thought that Microsoft had an answer to the dominating iPod. It was not long since the Zune’s release date that consumers began to realize that the Zune was no match to the powerful iPod-iPhone combo. One year after it’s release, Zune began experimenting technical problems that doomed it’s sales. News of software issues flowed through the Internet like water in a river. Sales began to decrease and iPod nevertheless stayed strong.